• Weight Needed - Latex Balloons
    American Measurement Calculator (Inches)

    Values are based on average values, formulas, and average inflation measured in standard temperature and pressure. Latex balloons can be inflated more or less depending on the usage/application of the balloon(s). The values generated are formulaic and are approximate-averages, many of which are rounded. The "pi" value is the computer equivalent of pi which may also affect the resulting values.

     Display Instructions 

  •   Log Calculations  

    (Press this ↑ button (once) after you receive results.
    The results will appear in the Calculation Log (link in top menu).)

  •  Result Details: 

  •  Helium Lift Specifications 
Creative Commons License
Latex - Weight-Calculator by Control Balloon Products is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

  • Amount of Individual Weight Types (per Result)

    To see Weight Type numbers below, make sure to
    put the "balloon diameter" and the quantity of balloons on the Calculator page.

    Each number of weight-type(s) applies to the result;
    each of these weight types are not grouped with another type for the same result.

Your Logged Calculations:

To see Calculations, fill out the balloon diameter and quantity on the Calculator page, and press "Log Calculations" once. The newest logged calculation will appear below the previous logged calculation.

To continue using the calculator to try different diameters and quantities, just press "Calculator" above. You can include as many logged calculations as you would like.